Admissions 2020

With September getting ever-closer and our application deadline having lapsed at the end of January, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for taking the time to apply for their child to attend the school when we open our doors in September. We received 115 applications, showing that there are many parents in the local area who share our vision for educational reform.

We received 115 student applications in total, but can only accommodate 46 young people for our first year, who will be split across the primary age range 4-11 years. We have:

  • 8 places for Reception age children

  • 6 places in each of the following year groups - year 1 - year 5

  • 8 places in year 6

Our admissions are completely non-selective, and parents will be informed about whether their application was a success by the 31st of March. Those parents will then have until 30th of April to accept the offer or it may be withdrawn. 

Parents who are not offered a place for their child may join a waiting list. We will make offers to children according to our oversubscription criteria if a place becomes available.

If you do not receive an offer in the first round of the admissions process, don’t despair. There will be more places open in the following academic year and we invite you to apply again. However, please also ensure that you are on our waiting list just in case!

Thank you again to all who applied.